How to Reduce the Stress of Moving
By Mary Holmes At Integrated Move Management, we love to help our clients reduce their stress. Downsizing, moving and cleaning out a home...

Services of a Professional Move Manager
By Mary Holmes Integrated Move Management would like to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018! As we start a new year, we...

How Do We Define “Home Clean-Out”?
By Mary Holmes One of the services offered by Integrated Move Management is Home or Estate Clean-Out. This may mean different things to...

Learn More About Mary Holmes, Owner of Integrated Move Management
By Mary Holmes It is coming up on a year since I started Integrated Move Management with a goal of helping seniors during a stressful...

A Little Help When You Need It
By Mary Holmes Whether a senior decides to stay in their home as long as possible (age in place) or move to a smaller home or retirement...

Best Tips - Preparing for Move Day
By Mary Holmes So you have made the decision to move – now what? There is so much to accomplish before move day, but as long as you...

Four Highlights of a Rewarding Career
By Mary Holmes When I started Integrated Move Management, I knew I would enjoy helping clients during a stressful time in their lives. ...

The Storage Unit – Blessing and Curse
By Mary Holmes As I have discussed on a number of occasions, downsizing is never easy. There are typically many decisions to be made at...

Senior Transitions – An Emotional Time (Part Two)
By Mary Holmes In our last post, Senior Transitions – An Emotional Time (Part One), we explained the reasons why a downsizing and move...