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Resources for Seniors in Transition

By Mary Holmes

When seniors decide it is time to make a change with their living situation, they can feel a flood of emotions. The thought of leaving a home they have lived in for many years and where wonderful memories were created can bring on feelings of sadness and depression. Additionally, how to get started with such a huge project can bring on stress and confusion. Even if you decide the best move is no move, i.e. age in place, you may need help with ensuring safety and accessibility to your home.

One of the goals of Integrated Move Management is to reduce these negative emotions and bring clarity and calm to the situation. We also enjoy working with other businesses that have the same goals. Here are some resources you may find helpful if you are thinking about your options or are in the process of downsizing or moving:

Professional Move Management assistance with downsizing, moving, aging in place or home clean out

*Integrated Move Management: 207-865-4493,

Senior Agencies/Resources - services for a variety of senior needs

*People Plus Maine (Brunswick) – engaged, healthy & independent living: 207-729-0757,

*Southern Maine Agency on Aging (Scarborough) – improving quality of life for seniors: 207-396-6500,

*Beach Glass Transitions – assistance with the search for senior services: 207-210-6498,

*McRae & Associates - guardianship, fiduciary, trust, Power of Attorney, and probate procedure services: 207-797-2371,

*Maine Senior Guide – a website consolidating resources for seniors: 207-232-7847,

Moverswhen you are ready to leave your home

*Allied/ABC Moving & Storage (Chad Atherton): 207-671-3065,

*Earle W. Noyes & Sons Moving (Fraser Nixon): 207-775-5876,

*Integrity Movers (Jim Frati): 207-233-5545,

*Allen & Coles (Don Oldakowski): 207-775-6683,

Non-Medical Home Care whether you age in place of need assistance at a retirement community

*Home Care Assistance (Sue Arsenault): 207-835-4849,

*Home Instead Senior Care (Renate Schultz): 207-839-0441,

*Casco Bay Home Care (Beth Erickson): 207-846-6886,

*Advantage Homecare (Rich Blumenthal): 207-699-2570,

Estate Attorneys to ensure financial and other assets are situation appropriately

*Hopkinson & Abbondanza (Rick Abbondanza): 207-772-5845,

*Nelson-Reade Law Office (Patricia Nelson-Reade, Jen Frank): 207-828-1597,

*Drummond & Drummond (Misha Pride): 207-774-0317,

*Ainsworth, Thelin & Raftice (Jake Bowie, Eleanor Dominguez): 207-767-4824,

*Norman, Hanson & DeTroy (Chip Hedrick, Doris Rygalski): 207-774-7000,

Aging in Place Agenciesfind resources in your area that can help you stay in your home

*Cumberland Aging in Place: 207-829-2205,

*Yarmouth Aging in Place: 207-712-7244, www.ycan/info/category/aging-in-place

Aging in Place Contractors – installation of grab bars, ramps, stair lifts, etc.

*Tim St. Hillaire: 207-632-5228,

*101 Mobility: 207-424-1300, www.101mobility/locations/maine

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Jonathan Wagner, Owner

190 US Route One, PMB 369

Falmouth, ME  04105

Call Jon at (207) 865-4493.

Integrated Move Management is a fully insured and bonded company.

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